Google Summer of Code : Benefits

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) offers a multitude of benefits for participants, making it a highly sought-after program for aspiring developers. You can use this program in different techniques to benefit your career as well as your interests. Based on my goals while making the contributor application, these are some of the benefits which I … Read more

Introduction to Design Thinking

In today’s fast-paced and complex world, finding innovative solutions to challenges is essential for success. Design thinking, a human-centered approach to problem-solving, has emerged as a powerful methodology for unlocking creativity and generating meaningful solutions. I first came to know about this concept from Monishita Bathija, an expert coach on Design Thinking.  In this blog … Read more

Google Summer of Code Contributor Application

Open source contribution plays a vital role in advancing technology by fostering collaborative innovation, knowledge sharing, and the development of high-quality, community-driven software projects. It promotes learning, collaboration, and collective improvement, benefiting all stakeholders involved. Recently, I embarked on my open source journey through the renowned Google Summer of Code (GSoC) program, which traditionally catered … Read more

RedHen Audio Tagger for Audio Effects Tagging

The International Distributed Little Red Hen Lab, usually called “Red Hen Lab” is dedicated to research into multimodal communication. Red Hen develops computational, statistical, and technical tools. Here I worked with Red Hen Lab to create a new, publicly-available, open-source pipeline, the Red Hen Audio Tagger (RHAT), which tags audio elements frame by frame via … Read more

Google Summer of Code – Coding Phase1

One of the requirements of my organisation & GSoC is to keep weekly blogs. This will help your mentors to understand your progress and make a decision during the Phase 1 evaluation about your progress. It is the progress and the effort that matters more than the actual outcome. You may not understand the details … Read more

Google Summer of Code – Community Bonding

One of the requirements of my organisation & GSoC is to keep weekly blogs. This will help your mentors to understand your progress and make a decision during the different evaluation stages about your progress. Community Bonding Phase is very critical. It is very important to make network with your mentors as well as set … Read more